Thursday, April 5, 2018

An Extra-Ordinary Life: Katherine Crilly

Even though she was never that interested in school, Katherine Crilly, 23, has always had a passion for writing, though she didn’t always want to be a journalist. From a conservative suburb in Bucks County, Crilly had ambitions to traveling the world and become a “big deal”, but when her front teeth were shattered in a traumatic accident before college, so were her dreams of becoming an actor. I sat down with Crilly to talk about how she got to where she is now, and where she hopes to go next.

Templeton: Why did you decide to major in journalism?

Katherine Crilly: I’ve always loved writing. I went to a Catholic high school. I wasn’t a very good student and my teachers would tell me I would never amount to anything so I decided to really focus on writing. I always thought I was supposed to be a big deal, like an actor or a model. I had an accident when I was 18 that knocked both my front teeth out so I had to change my plans.

T: How exactly did your accident affect your plans?

KC: I had reconstructive surgery and implants done for 3 years. Surgery was really a reflection of the way my life was going and I lost someone close to me during the biggest procedure of my surgeries. It really put life into perspective.

T: How was the transition from your hometown to the city?

KC: I went to two other schools before Temple, but I wasn’t really feeling the close knit, small school vibe. If there isn’t a lot going on, I start to lose my marbles. Philly is very different from the conservative suburbs where I grew up and, even though I grew up conservative, I responded more to diversity. It’s been a good life lesson to see how different people’s lives can be, traveling and experiencing different things.

T: Do you plan to travel rather than settle down after college?

KC: Part of me strives for the nice house and marriage. When I was younger I thought I wanted to move to New York City and be an actor and live this extraordinary life. I want to experience nice things but I’m a homebody at heart.

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